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Each painting has a story

2in1 nyulas borito

2in1 nyulas borito

I told you I cant, for thousand times I said so. I am really sorry but I can’t paint a picture for you about Cologne, I understand that you had been studying there with a scholarship, and the city means so much to you, sheerly the best time of your life. And I understand that it would be so nice to get some small notebook with a puppy picture for your sister especially that she just got her own dog, and anyway it was your shared childhood dream but your parents firmly resisted but now its is fulfilled finally.

And I understand that some cute bag with a baby on it would be a cool present for your female friend as they had been trying a lot before they managed to have a tube baby and it is really something. I understand all of this, because you are important for me, because you are my customer and I would like you to be satisfied. But I am not really able to do it, since my son was born. It is hard to reject a kind request coming from the heart, because if I say yes to you than how could I say no to others. But when I work for custom order I have to invest immense amount of time and work into the completion of a single piece and it simply isn’t worth for me and for you either. This was is my policy, I have four collections to choose from embracing more than 40 paintings which circle is growing continuously. if you like my works I am sure you will find something that attracts you. Than a year ago I received a nice letter. That my wife loves your things and I would like to fascinate her, I would kindly ask you to paint her portray for me, please, I would love to give it to her for Christmas, please find attached a photo. Well, of course. My answer followed, I am sorry, I won’t and anyway the Christmas season is crazy like hell. But she has her birthday in January, it will be excellent for that time too he wrote me back. I did not want to write again, I thought he would forget. But he approached me again that the birthday is coming, and he was wondering if that picture would be possible to make. Oh, no, I can’t do it in such a short time left, I am sorry. He will surely find some other present to give. He did found, but he did not let me go. He fell in love with his idea and was persecuting me with it. Already in February, that listen, our next important event, our wedding anniversary is in August, would it be possible for that time maybe? He almost get round me with his perseverance. How lucky is that woman I thought, what a wonderfully attentive man, with such a personal gift idea and how hard he is trying. Still, I hardened myself and as an escape route I answered that I don’t know, August is so far yet. His next reminder arrived at the beginning of the summer, it was worst than the alarm timer on the telephone, I could not switch it off. Jesus, I was staring at the girl’s photo he sent me, do you really know how lucky you are with this man? I started painting. Not the girl but the feeling that there is somebody who is cared for so much by someone else, with so much love. This feeling was already something to relate to, a painting was born out of it, full of love. I painted a bunny into her hands on the picture that she is holding with tender care. Exactly like how she is carried on the palm of her husband. The aquarelle was finished by the end of august, just in time for the wedding anniversary. He came for the picture personally. It’s like this, I shrugged my shoulder as I presented it to him, because I suddenly became uncertain, fearing that maybe he had imagined something else. But he had no preconceptions he was only gazing it and asked radiantly, how did you know that she has a bunny? Why, does she have one? I asked back surprised. Yes she has and she just loves it. Wow, and you didn’t know it! I did not know. And I did not know either, that for a story like this I would give up my business policy. The girl with the bunny joined the female portrays in my Months collection. You can already find it on diaries and calendars and once perhaps there will be small bags and mobile phone cases with this image. And next year maybe, who knows, I will be painting your picture the same way. Just there should be someone able to pursue…

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On the cover of a 2016 calendar

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And the never boring diary, sketchbook, notebook, depending on what you prefer to use it for

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