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A Push

blog bp vili nyaklanc

Inspiration comes from very weird situation just like in this very case. Lots of people told me to come up with jewellery design several times because my graphics would look awesome on necklaces, earrings or rings but somehow I didn’t get inspired.

I haven’t even given it a proper thought when one of my friend noticed lots of earrings with my designs on them on a street market stall on La Rambla in Barcelona. (Actually, I might have shared that story already.) Obviously, I got furious because of the copying but I didn’t take any actions. Then it happened again and definitely gave me a push to start designing my own jewellery collection. If it is that popular in Barcelona then I go for world-fame no matter what it takes.
Eventually, it’s finalized in 2017 when I needed to come out with something new. As I had already lots of paper-based products it seemed to be a perfect idea. Considering my bags there are more potential but experimenting there requires more time, energy and money. Therefore it might happen later on.
So I made up my mind and started designing jewelleries.
Firstly, I had to find the right material suitable to be printed, easy to wear and looks good. I tried several types of wood, metal and plastic of course.
The winner was clear plexi. It looks like glass so the print is very sculpturesque on it. It is light and long-lasting material.
As it was chosen we made them printed and thought phew they were done and it was easy-peasy. Though I must admit putting pieces together wasn’t my piece of cake at all. Therefore, I gave this task to my lovely and smart assistant, Szilvi who gets on very well with it and makes the jewellery ready. She was praised by Orsi –a silver jewellery designer- our next door woman in Paloma and a real expert.
After having finished earrings, necklaces taking photos of them came along. I like this stage of the procedure a lot. I was picturing Lilla – my distant relative as my model for years in my mind. She is a natural beauty and I was sure we would work together one day. There was no need of any make-up and working together went smoothly. So many beautiful photos were taken so my close friends had to vote which one to use. Finding a new photographer is not easy either as I needed one badly. Lilla recommended Zsófi and I was 100% satisfied with her work, her photos came up to my expectations.
Thus, now I am over the moon as the collection is ready and from now on it is available for everyone after having been working hard on it for such a long time.
I have already received lots of positive feedback, thanks for them. I hope everyone will like them just as much as the ones who have seen them.
Have a look at them on my webshop or do come into Paloma and find the best for yourself. To make it happen, here come some of them:

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