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Rules of the game

jatek london tasi junius

jatek london tasi junius

Travel, take photos and win the bag in the picture. For the details of the game click on the show more button

Send a photo to address. The theme of the photo has to be you and any chosen RothAniko product. Write me also where the photo was taken (it is all the same: abroad, inland, in a city or waterfront, the point is that your RothAniko pruduct must be with you)
As a subject write: „Játék – Húzd el a csíkot!”
If you think so write 1-2 eye-catching sentences to the photo for more votes (not compulsory) After a preselection I upload the photos to page. You can vote for them after each month for one week. I am waiting for your photos between 1st June- 4th September.

I upload the incoming photos to page in the album: „JÁTÉK – Húzd el a csíkot!„ I attach the photos the name of the sender, the text written by her, and also the location. You can vote for the pictures by likes.
Uploading of the pictures and beginning of the voting: 4th July, 2016 20:00/ 1st August, 20:00/ 5th September 2016, 20:00
Summary of likes and publication of results: 10th July, 2016 20:00/ 7th August, 20:00/ 11th September 2016, 20:00

I inform the winner in e-mail. I post the bag or the winner can get it my showroom (Paloma, 1053 Budapest, Kossuth L. st. 14-16.) In the case of equal results I prolong the voting by 24 hours.

Legal stuff
By the sending of the photos you accept the posting on page included your name. I don’t use the sended photos for other purpose.


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