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And the other cities

DbyRA fb hird Roma logozva

DbyRA fb hird Roma logozva

So the situation is that I am a kind of girl from the start to whom the Antal Szerb kind of female-type characterising that „the street fits well to her” truly applies. I like being in the street, showing myself, observing others, mingling or standing out, depending on my actual mood.

And as my friends started to leak abroad for longer periods and we visited them spending more time here and there than the usuall turist volume would be, not only at the usuall tourist places, it turned out that I feel home in all of the cities simply because I like them. All big cities are my Budapest a little bit. There are Paris-adoring people, London-fans, Roma-addicts, people more of the underground kind swear on Amsterdam or Barcelona, but I am the kind who could live in all of them. So I had to paint a metropolitan series like this. The same thing excited me as in the case of the Budapest series, how can I depict each place so that it remains recognizable but still looking like how only I see it. How to incorporate the collective image of a place while still keeping the picture’s originality. I made a decision: I am indeed capable to fill clishes with life. In these pictures I dared to quote the best-known national and city symbols but I distort them into a peculiar perspective and keep the integrity of my own shape and color world. First a Paris image was created than London, Roma and Amsterdam paintings and soon that of Barcelona will be finished too carisoprodol 250 mg . And than slowly all the others will have their turn. Let the world be a little bit RothAniko-like.

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Határidőnaplók 2015 – cérna fűzött

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Nagy táska – trapéz forma

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Nagy táska – hajó forma

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Táska részlet

0323 9618

London, Róma, Amszterdam

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