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The Secret of the Forest of Rooster Mound

flyer oszi owl

flyer oszi owl

If you love doing something than you are fond of gazing what those people create who also love doing something similar very much. So I also often watch the foreign graphic design pages and after a while it occured to me that there are several artists who had interests only in animals. Visual animal lobby, I thought with silent despise. Than I started to worry, what if I evoke the same thoughts, I have this strong urban style that is perfectly suitable for depicting moments of life and atmospheres but is it sufficient for anything else?

So it was a vanity issue for me to experiment with topics that are the most distant from my style: animal images. For me to paint animals is as hard as the photography of meat or cars (I have heard it from commercial photographers that professionally these are the two most challenging object to shoot). It is very easy to slide over into cuteness or rustic and I did not want any of those. I wanted „Animal fantasy”. Consequently the first images were surreal, like the rabbit with wings spinning on a wheel. But this blunt perplexing seemed to be vain, dazzling for its own sake. The breakthrough came when I started to think about these animals as the inhabitants of the forest of the Rooster Mound. It was an accidental idea but this became a calling word that provided ispiration to start working. That is how the chipmunks were born first and than the other animals later. First I only envisioned animal couples in love so as to guarantee hightened emotions, but it turned out that single animals also stand well on their feet alone. Only because of the notion that they are from the Rooster Mound. It was interesting that as soon as it got a name it could come into existence. It made me realize that to create something unique you do not need to exceed reality or graphic predecessors. Indeed, I even used wikipedia in order to work with more and more realistic facts. For geunine creations a tiny own idea is enough. It is quite encouraging, isn’t it?

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