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I would like to send it with love to myself

kiataskat mindenkinek hirlevel

kiataskat mindenkinek hirlevel

If one designs everyday items than he or she likes to communicate that their design is based on well defined mass needs or on the contrary, on group needs. For most of the cases it is true. However I have a product which is an exemption because actually I created it for myself with a strong pedagogic intent.

A few years ago, quite a long time ago, in the euphoriaelt after my first independent exhibition I was partying in ChCha-Cha-Cha (i.e. a legendary, literally underground club) at Kálvin square. I was dancing and talking to acquaintances and strangers as well all night long, with whom we avoided eye contact acting cool. We were watching the people dancing or the passer-byes in the underpass so as to form a better view on the reality around us. Music was pumping loud from inside and I felt young, free and talented which was not without any truth as I was young, free and talented and of course awfully inexperienced concerning the optimal alcohol quantity calculated with respect to my body mass. Next day morning I got up to realize that I do not have my wallet. Neither money, nor credit cards. I was young and free and talented, and for a few hours then, extremely poor as well. Than at noon the telephone rang and a guy with a blond prince-like voice asked me to meet because he had found my wallet. I felt a romantic buzz in the situation and choose a correspondingly elaborate set to wear. I received my wallet, we set down for a beer, than the guy was gone to the left and I was standing there holding my hand to my heart feeling an immerse gratitude toward this stranger and I was thinking that this should never ever happen again. I evoked this heart-clutching moment, when I designed my first square and round small bags. I intended them to be a survivor kit bag, that can be worn on the shoulders or hanging from the belt, being precisely just as big as to accommodate the basic set – wallet, season ticket for transport, keys, mobile -so that they are always at hand. When I go to a concert, festival or for biking now I only take this bag. Sometimes I even throw it into my big bag as I know that it holds everything important I would need. This is a product designed for myself. So I would like to send it with a warm heart to myself- and to all and any who love it .


Months Collection – February


Months Collection – September


Big City Life Collection – London


Big City Life Collection – Amsterdam


Big City Life Collection – Rome

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