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We are opened!

webshop promo keresd onmagad

webshop promo keresd onmagadHereby I share with you the the long-awaited good news: MY OWN WEBSHOP IS OPENED! I am very very happy, I am proud of it and I have so many experience with this topic that I have to share with you. This text will be longer than usual. I had an idea to divide it into two parts, but I let the division for you if it is too much in one bloc.

The beginnings
When I was a young girl not only webshops but also internet was non-existent. At least not in my environment. Than in the ’90-s Viki started to work at a workplace where there were computer aaand! internet connection. She was very enthusiastic and smuggled me into the company to show me the miracle. Well, I was not fascinated at all. I stayed in the offline world for a while.
Than things changed.
In that very moment when Andi Berki moved to America. It is not a surprise that I wanted to maintain the connection with my friend abroad. We had a great opportunity at a „lotsofstars” hotel near the Danube (don’t ask me for the name). We both called the hotel and a friend of ours in the contact center pieced together the 2 recievers in her lap (yes, in her lap!) If the gravitation was stronger and one of the recievers slided down we could only tell our new love cases to our common friend’s thigh. It was obvious that this was not sustainable so I made for myself an e-mail address (freemail) to use it for mailing. Of course Andi hasn’t write a single e-mail to this address since then… she’s not that mailwriter type darling. But I picked up the slack.

The first laptop and the match
I got in the swing of the internet so much that I bought a laptop and a very long cabel. For my younger readers: that time there wasn’t wifi everywhere (nowhere?). So I had to walk around the cabel which occupied the whole room. When I was lucky enough. The first few times I got caught by the cabel. Once I pulled off the whole, brand new laptop, something broke in it, of course it was that part which was irreparable. OK it was only the „holefortheinternetcable” (sorry for the expression IT experts) but from that time I had to fix the end of the cable with a sexy match to stay in its place. (you can imagine how much I appreciate the wifi all after this)
The usage of the internet with the match period took quite a long time, then I bought a new laptop. Quite the same timeI I could get rid off the cable too. Otherwise I still have the old laptop, I use it for scanning because the scanner is old too. And the two old folks don’t like the new ones, they only willing work with each other.

The age of internet shopping
Who know me better don’t wonder that I am not familiar with new things for the first time. Can you imagine how much I was keen on the daaaangerous internet shoppig? Of course after a while I discovered that it is very comfortable, I can purchase lots of things cheaper and sometimes I can come across wth very original stuff. All these things rewrote my opposition.
So with my new laptop I got started with the internet shopping and I bought in a very risky way a Miklós Vámos book. I ordered it, payed it, took it over. Everything was OK, I was convinced and infected so much that after a while – ok-ok, years had to pass from the first shopping to the thought- I was thinking of creating my own webshop.

NWell I was not that brave for the first time, to pay huge energy and money just for nothing. I had this thought to registrate to Meska, stay for a year and if it worked I start it. I registrated, it worked so after a year we really started to work on my own webshop (This was almost 2 years ago.)

My own webshop
The plan was to create my – and your – christmas present. Unfortunately it needed way too much work that I expected so we only finshed it by now. But I think it worthed it! It is completely the same what I imagined. I hope you will also like it. I think it worth using it because:
(I have a list as you know 😉

1. You don’t have to get out of home to get what you want. (you can order from your workplace in worktime, mentioning this in secret)
2. You can buy all day and night, you don’t have to monitor the opening hours and the WAMP dates.
3. You can only find the surely available products. And 98% of the available products are int he webshop.
4. We don’t reorganize the „shop” (I feel really disturbed when a shop is reorganized, I strictly go for the pasta totally needlessly because now it is ont he other side of the shop.
5. If you don’t have idea what to give for a birthday, nameday, christmas, school-leavng ceremony look through the offer, you have a great chance to find something great stuff.
6. And if you can’t decide which bag/noteboook/case etc. i the perfect one you have hours, and days to watch, hesitate and reflect- there is no Ervin or Anikó who look at you with stinging eyes. Maybe your family will go crazy because of the constant „Which one, do you think I should buy?” quesion.
7. Anyway this is the future I have to keep step

No matter how long we discuss the matter: use it! I am so excited o wait for your orders and the feedbacks. who get to the end of the post I tell you with joy that during the next week I post the orders for free (06.06.2016. midnight) so, go to the shop!

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