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It is almost like arriving home

bcn 2015 kicsi

bcn 2015 kicsi

To go on a holiday late summer is not just a spontaneously evolved practice but a conviction. So that one has something to look forward to. So that I would only be leaving when most people returned home already. I used to feel the same joy occasionally in the kindergarten at lunch, when I stole a glance at the others around and voluptuously acknowledged that everyone else pushed their cakes into their mouth, only mine is laying delightfully on the napkin left untouched.

This year we are going to Barcelona, this year too I would add, as there was not a year lately in which we did not travel there. We have been visiting it regularlypparticularlyce my friend Évás lives there and because Évás is the innermost friend of my inner circle of people I can not tell to what extent can the home-like feeling, that I attribute to Barcelona, be credited to the city or to the fact that I can only spend time together with Évás there. At any case, a very strong “welcome home” feeling struck me even at the very first time and I immediately recalled that I had heard some similar experience from others as well.
Without doubt, I enjoyed being in Barcelona at the very first time, and liked it a lot. I even like the smell of it, even though it has a Balkan smell if you stray away from mainstream routes, with a pungent odor evaporating in the heat. I just love that this city is so exciting with its numerous sightlynesses to encounter at every corner. I like the playful, creative energy that emanates from the architecture of the city and I don’t mean exclusively Gaudi but the layout of parks or the rethinking of old buildings (I do admire when an old arena is utilized as a shopping mall.) I like the rithm of the Mediterranean lifestyle, the Catalan otherness, joyfulness. That it has all what a real city would need, sea, hills, beautiful houses, many old streets, all kinds of shops, lots of air and sunshine, many lighthearted people. The long and short of it, I return there more and more happily. I wanted to paint it for a long time but I had so many images floating in my mind that I managed to accomplish only this spring. So I immediately made bags, mobile cases, badges, postcards with the Barcelona image and I am leaving soon. Maybe not even for a holiday, not even to Évás but somehow to home.


Waves everywhere, on a store and on a balcony


Barcelona is inevitably the city of Gaudi and how magnificent is that!


And then circles, shapely a city is Barcelona, isn’t it?


Street Art from Barcelona, it is two blocks from Évás


Patterns, I just can’t get enough of them


All time favorite: bread, tomato with a little touch of garlic


And of course the sea

taska nagy trapez bcn2in1

 And this is my Barcelona on a bag…

bcn mobiltokjpg

…and on a mobile case

{loadposition back}

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Olvastad már?

marcius taska paloma
lista nyito
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