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Anyone still buy diary?

agenda 2017 nyito

agenda 2017 nyito
Oh My God, how many times I have heard this question! And I have the suspicion that as the number of smartphones is rising more people are going to ask the same. So I take the opportunity to state it in front of everybody: Yes, paper diary users are still exist in 2016! Moreover I think they will exist also in 2017.

I started to make diaries 7-8 years ago and some people were already burying the genre then. Fortunately their forecast hasn’t come true – still lots of people are searching for my diaries and they love them. Of course I also made effort for the business and took into consideration the needs of the public. I developed them year afer year. The first diary was not my idea, I designed it for an order – finally it didn’t come into existence. But the plan and the idea stayed with me – so I decided to continue, and we made the first RothAniko diary with the help of the bookbindery I worked with that time.

It was so long ago that I can admit I followed my own needs so the design of the pages was simple. I could say it was clear-out, but if I want to be wholehearted it was simply simple. I loved it that way but then I got the feedbacks that they should mark the hours too. And the namedays of course. We need them… Other outstanding ideas existed but everything has a limit, so the hours and namedays stayed (I silently tell that I haven’t use these „functions” since then, but everything for he clients of course ;)))

So fortunately the diaries became popular. There was a year when I started the fabrication in May to please those ones who start to search for them in August and September. This year I haven’t been so busy so they are „only” ready „only” now. As Dumpling Arthur says: there are small and big, stitched and spiralled, with city, girl and animal design. And so on by popular request this year filofaxes are under construction, but I will mention them later.
Anyway I am interested what is the reason that still lots of people use paper diaries, also the young ones. I don’t know how others feel about it, but I use it, because I prefer handwriting and I look through better the structure of a paper then the structure of my phone. I love the smell of the paper and the shabbiness of the diary at the end of the year. It is practical that I can put in it paper scraps, recipes, cheques, so many important things. Beside I don’t throw out the expire diaries, I put them in the bottom of a drawer and after years I enjoy reading the old memories…
I am curious why do you use diary? You can leave your opinion in comments! And you can also note which one is your favourite from the newest designs?
If you already have your favourite you can buy it in the webshop (non-stop) or in Paloma (1053 Budapest, Kossuth L. u. 14-16. Open: Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday 11-19 p.m.) Moreover this Saturday I will bring them to Wamp at Erzsébet Square (2016. 09. 11., open: 11-19 p.m.)


agenda anno 2012

Check out what did I find in the archives! We are in 2012…

agenda anno 2012 csajok

Still 2012. The size has changed a bit (more practical) and also the type is different, following the actual trends

agendas 2017 new bcl

Novelty from the new collection, city theme

agendas 2017 new csajok

We have some new girls for the „old ones”

agendas 2017 nagyok

Royal is the new design in the „big size” collection

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Dilemma of this year: purple or red? You can vote on facebook

agenda spiri uj 2

Blue of purple? Blue is the winner

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